forum Random Pictures and Quotes from your's truly
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I need a creative outlet, so I made this :)

All I ask is to use the little () things so the important things that I say are the main attraction

'cause I'm like that

Deleted user

Words from the wise:

If your boy gets nut-tapped, give him a glass of milk

Deleted user

Burger King commercial needs to chill out before Hallmark begins stealing their actors

Deleted user

Family Guy has, like, the two extreme sides of comedy. There's the super intellectual history jokes and political statements, then there's the butt and penis jokes

Deleted user

Also the occasional 15 minute fistfight with a man-sized chicken

Deleted user

my hobby is badly explaining movies to my friends. Such as the Force Awakens: "Some guy with a burning cross chases an interracial couple."

Or my literal 3 hour rant about the Saban's Power Rangers

Deleted user

Never even heard of it until, like, 15 minutes ago and I'm already in awe of its power

Deleted user

It seems like any high school chorus has the same stereotypes

I don't know them, but they exist

Deleted user

I don't really have a caption. Feel like the picture speaks for itself

Deleted user

That fucking vein on the side of the horse makes me question its health

Deleted user

Who would win in a fight: Colonel Sanders or Wendy from Wendy's?

@Pickles group

(I love how you're concerned with the picture in the back instead of, well, everything else wait is that a checkerboard on the wall??)

Deleted user

(I love how you're concerned with the picture in the back instead of, well, everything else wait is that a checkerboard on the wall??)

There's, like, a naked man in one of them and then a fucking vertical chessboard