forum Quick Star-Wars Related Question
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people_alt 3 followers

Deleted user

The main character of the original star wars trilogy, Luke Skywalker, was pretty obviously based on George Lucas, who created the series. That wouldn't be such a big deal to me, considering that it's fairly common (i.e. Charles Schulz and Charlie Brown, Jim Davis and Jon Arbuckle, etc). However, one thing stands out to me. Luke kisses Princess Leia in The Empire Strikes Back, who is later revealed to be his sister. Luke Skywalker, who is based on George Lucas, kissed his sister. Think about that for a good second. Did George think this would be a neat plot twist? Did he actually have romantic interest towards his sister? What the hell? Please, somebody, anybody. I demand a solid answer.


Honestly, that has bugged me for forever, but from what I’ve heard/read, the plot twist wasn’t really a solid idea until the third movie. I could be wrong, but that’s my impression. So I doubt that that was a thing for Lucas, it was just a fictional thing. I hope.