forum questioning asexuality?
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 2 followers


Well you don't have to figure it out right away. Like, don't rush yourself into finding who you are, cause you can discover something new about yourself at any moment.
Though, I would like to know what made you start questioning if you're ace or not? And, if you like, I can give a brief description of what being asexual means.

Deleted user

well, I know i feel physically attracted to people. I like hugs and hopefully will kiss someone some day. but the idea of getting intimate just makes me feel, gross. Like i don't really want that to happen. but,,,,like,,,,,


That definitely sounds like being asexual to me. My best friend is also asexual and he loves hugs and cuddles and kisses but he is absolutely revolted at the thought of having sex. So I guess I can say I understand what you mean and know that you are 100% valid and accepted. If anyone says otherwise, no one will find their bodies.

Deleted user

Hey Red can you help me out and just give me a brief meaning of Ace and Intersexual please


Asexual is basically where a person does not feel sexual attraction/is repulsed by anything sex related/not interested in having sex.

Intersexual is basically a gender between male and female, somewhat like the opposite of nonbinary, if I understand correctly. (If I fucked up on this please correct me cuz I'm not 100% sure I'm right).

Deleted user

( Sorry new at this stuff I mean I know what Gay bi queer and straight mean but not the rest)
What does Nonbinary mean


Nonbinary is a gender that is neither male nor female. It is also referred to as enby/nb for short. It's "outside of the binary of male and female", hence the name of nonbinary.

Deleted user

Its midnight here and I have practically died in my bed. My brain shut down hours ago and my fingers are just now starting to hurt and im getting antsy.