forum Question ofthe Day
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

people_alt 75 followers

@RhysTheFirebird group

(I have been so crappy lately, sorry-)

Would you rather (a) receive an alert every time your parents hook up (imagine your parents are still together in this scenario, cause I know there are some people out there whoes aren’t) or (b) Your parents receive an alert every tie you hook up?

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

…Well, they wouldn’t be getting any alerts for quite a while if I chose option B. But I wouldn’t want my parents knowing when I actually did-

And considering option A, both of my parents are 1. Old, 2. Don’t want any more kids, 3. Live in a house with thin walls. I don’t think I’d get very many alerts. Besides, I could care less about that shit 💀

Option A.

@RhysTheFirebird group


Honestly? I’d rather get the notif about my parents. Not like I don’t know already. 🙄
Honestly, my mom would be all in my buissnes about my life if she knew I was hooking up. NO thank you.

@Nightmare_Eclipse language

***If you could go back to any century, which one would it be and why? (It can not be the 21st century)

1400, because medieval! Yay! (I could learn sword fighting)
(Actually probably not because I'm female but STILL)

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

I do not know the exact century, but technically it could be any time before the 21st, so prehistoric. I want to see what the dinosaurs actually looked like. And then get eaten by one, because that’s the only logical outcome.

Deleted user

i would go wherever most people end up going. so i can kill them all