forum public sharing
Started by Shauna Lopez

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Shauna Lopez

I want to turn on public sharing. so far my profile page tells me that I do not have any public features yet. But I cannot seem to find a switch anywhere that lets me turn them on.
and once I do, I can share it with anyone and they can read stuff, just not change it right?


You set individual pages to public - go to a universe, character, etc and click on the sharing (it looks like this < with some circles on it) button and turn the privacy setting to Public.

Everything inside of a Public universe also goes Public.

People can view Public content but only people who you set as Collaborators can make changes.

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Hey Shauna, you should see a share button on each of your pages that lets you toggle their privacy between public (available by URL or from your profile) or private (only visible to you). By default, everything's private, but you can flip it between the two settings at any time. And, if you share a universe, it'll share everything in that universe (or un-share it), to make sharing multiple pages easier.

Here's a short write-up about how it all works.

Shauna Lopez

Thanks guys, I stumbled upon it last night. Little annoying to discover it after creating 15 things but hey, at least I found it right? Appreciate it.