forum Proof Reader??
Started by @Questionable_Who

people_alt 2 followers

Deleted user

That's alright :)

Okay, so this is how you DM someone: at the very top right of your screen, just below the blue header, there should be the word "Inbox" in grey beside "Settings". Click on that, and there will be a box "start a new conversation". You write the title of the thread in there. Two other boxes will appear. In the "Participants" box, put the usernames of everyone you want to be in the chat. (Make sure to include the @ symbol or it won't work). I think that's it. You can message me whenever you have time :)


Sarah, you'll have to go to your profile settings and make a username in that box before you can be in DMs

Deleted user

Oh, I thought you had to include the @….sorry!