forum Prologues? When are they needed?
Started by @divetoheart

people_alt 4 followers


Hey y’all, I was just curious as to what you guys think about prologues.
When do you use them?
When do you need them?

I’ve always thrown in an prologue at the start of my stories to project a major conflict that will return much later, before starting good old chapter one with the exposition.

@Becfromthedead group

Hmmm I rarely use prologues. I'd say they're helpful when there's information ahead of the storyline that is important to the story but too far back to be part of the story, if you get what I'm saying. Example: there's some sort of contract the main character made years ago, and it needs thorough explaining because it's pivotal to the story. However, it's too complicated to just explain bit by bit, so you'd rather put it in all at once so the reader knows what you're talking about when referring to said contract. Probably a bad example, but I tried.


I only use prologues for some of my stories (specifically ones narrated by this really bitter immortal dude who promised his friends he wouldn't let them be forgotten) to introduce the characters, setting, etc.