forum Procrastination
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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As for stories, a few years ago I had an English teacher who assigned a huge project every quarter. You had to read a book and then present a "creative project" that proved you had read the book. It was a huge grade, and she made a big deal about it. The first quarter I had a fiction book, which I read quickly and easily (it was the kind of book I would read for fun). But I forgot about the project part. So the day of, in class, my teacher said, "Okay, when I call your name, go up and present your project." And I was thinking, whAT PROJECT OH NO So when my name was called, I presented a one-person skit of the plot of my book, completely making it up on the spot.
I received a 90% with the comments: "Informative and original, but could have been rehearsed better."
Which I took as an invitation to bs my way through the rest of her class (that worked surprisingly well; everyone was bsing by the end, and everyone got an A I think)

@Knight-Shives group

here is a story of mine

I decided to wait until the last minute to fill out an application to go to a certain high school and i totally forgot it was due the next day, so i filled out the whole application and wrote a two page essay in one night well technically a few hours my parents didn't want me up to late. But in the end i actually got into the school. the essay was probably the same words over and over phrased differently alot to sound like an aceptable essay of why i wanted to go there.

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i had a project on citizen ship that was asighned 2 months ago and i finished it the night before it was due


@shiver Was this a private school then?
Also, same. Anytime there's a timed essay in class (or if I procrastinate), I just go full-on bs mode. There have been days where I turned in essays and then 1 period later had no idea what I wrote.


Sometimes if it's a class with a chill teacher I'll just not do the assignment or sometimes I'll say I obviously prepared something weeks in advance when I really just wrote up a basic outline of what I'd need to do the day before. I once did a science project the day before it was due and I actually got a pretty good grade which I think came from how I roasted myself so badly and I was like "it isn't science and I suck I deserve an F" and I'm actually a pretty good student. It probably isn't good to say you deserve an F in a self assessment but that's just how I role


I had to do this 4000 word paper to get this fancy schmancy diploma that literally does me no good bc I didn't go to a college that recognizes the IB diploma
and like
I did my first draft on time
but then I did the second draft the night it was due
and then turned it in
never read it
it might've been terrible
I basically rewrote the entire thing
but the grades aren't reflective really bc everyone that I know got poor official grades lol

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My class and I once had to write a reflective essay on any certain event in my life, and we were given a heads up many times so that we could think about our topic ahead of time.

So of course I procrastinated
And whenever the due date came near, I had no idea what I wanted to write about. (I had never had anything exciting happen in my life.and it had to be a reflective essay). So on the night it was due, I wrote an essay about how I didn't know what to write for the essay and how I felt not being able to write anything truly exciting or interesting… For the essay.

I got a 100 ✔️

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Magic 🔮🎇…and the by the power of procrastination!