forum (probably my last post) The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly -A Game
Started by @zillakami-said-acab

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So this is a game that I play in theater, and I thought it could work here. So basically, one person asks for advice, and there's three advice-givers. One gives good advice, one bad, and one weird. I'll start first, and then anyone can ask a weird question. It's weird, I know.

First question:
What can I do if I lost my homework?

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Weird, huh. . .

Walk into class with a cross made out of pizza crust and have a funeral service for your lost homework. Say, "We're here today to celebrate the life of my beloved homework. I could have never guessed that I would lose it so quickly, but it's in a better place now." Then proceed to have a fake crying session.