forum Pretty words???
Started by @fruitbatsandearlgrey

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petrichor (one of my personal favorites): the smell of wet earth after it rains
viridian: a shade of green
i have more but i can't remember them right now lol


I just came up with a new way to describe a writer. "Word collector." Or, alternatively, "A specialist in the art of collecting and arranging words".

Yeah, I consider myself a word collector now! Thank you for all your contributions. I have been scanning the internet, Pinterest, and all of my favorite books non-stop for new words. Some of my favorites I've found so far are:

-Quixotic- extravagantly chivalrous or romantic, impractical
-Sidereal- determined by the stars
-Kalopsia- the delusion of things being more beautiful than they are
-Amaranthine- a fancy word for purple; alternatively, eternally beautiful
-Soliloquize- to talk to oneself
-Vagary- a whimsical, wild, or unusual idea

I just thought you all might want some nice words in return :)