forum Prayer Requests
Started by @4lagoon4 group

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@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

Actually, I do have a prayer request, when you can
one of my family members is having a pretty major surgery at the end of the month. it's not a life-or-death thing, but she'll have to get it sooner or later. She's finally able to get in at the end of March. It's a spinal thing, i think? Involves front and back incisions and some sort of metal support on her spine. She really needs it, it will help her back pain immensely in the long run, but it's a long recovery time and being so major (and on the spine), I am worried. I know God has her every step of the way, and we're praying for a smooth surgery and fast recovery, with no lasting complications.

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

Thank you so much <3 that really means a lot.
How are you doing with the whole "purpose" thing? I was reading through the other thread and found that comment. How are you doing? Anything I can pray for?

@4lagoon4 group

Anytime!💕 I don’t know if I want to talk about that just yet because I was just updated about the situation in Mariupol', the place ArcKane stays. And the situation has gotten worse, they’ve been encircled by the Russian military. If you’re willing, please pray for them instead. I hope I’m not being rude or anything, I just rather they be taken care of first :(

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

Absolutely will be praying for them, just got home from youth group and let a friend of mine who also uses Notebook know about that prayer request. We spent the last half of service praying for Ukraine as a youth group.
I absolutely get where you're coming from and you're def not being rude 💛 but I want you to be taken care of too :) please feel free let me know how you're doing whenever (if you're comfortable sharing, if not, I totally understand) 💛

@4lagoon4 group

Thank you Gabs, I appreciate you! ❤️And I definitely will I just want to wait a bit first. Thank you for hearing me out (^^)♡

@daylight2020 language

Hey guys! I'm the friend @gabswas_the_obsessive_writer was talking about. Certainly praying for everyone on here, especially those in Ukraine!


If it wouldn't be to much, I'd like to ask for prayer for one of my classmate. Long story short, she's been presenting signs of an eating disorder for a few years. I thought she was getting help, but I found out this week that she never did. Normally I would tell someone struggling to find someone to talk to about it and that I'm always free (mainly because she isnt a part of my friend group), but given my traumatic experience with one of my immediate family members and eating disorders, I felt the need to distance myself from the situation. She knows about this experience, and despite knowing the trauma related to it, she started actively trying to bring it up in totally unrelated conversations. It all came to a head today when she started going into specific details in front of me. I ended up going to a teacher and reporting what she had told me. All I know is that the teacher talked to her and is having a conversation with her mom later. I guess I'd like you guys not only to pray for her and her parents as they hopefully handle this situation, but also that God would help guide me in these kinds of charged situations. Thank you!

@4lagoon4 group

Hello daylight2020 nice to meet you! ^^ Sorry for this late reply, but I read what you said, and I’ll be praying for you and your friend from now on! 👏💕

@4lagoon4 group

Hello everyone, happy day to you! :D I hope you’re all doing well, I just wanted to hop on and check on you guys again. How is everyone?(^ワ^)☆

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

Hey, Lagoon!
I was just hopping on to check in, too! I'm doing well, how are you doing?
oh my gosh, my sister and my cousin just came into my room with edible paint on their faces chanting "we're roman numerals". Just another day with my favorite family members, i guess lol

@4lagoon4 group

Hey Gabs, I’m doing great! (^v^) I’m glad you’re doing good as well! Your family sounds like they’re doing good too XD That honestly sounds like something my cousins would do haha

Deleted user

all my cousins are wicked cool and have experiences that everyone thinks are jokes. they live in indonesia and egypt, and for them, it's normal to go swimming with whale sharks on christmas eve or to jump down 50-foot waterfalls.

@4lagoon4 group

Oh wow! o-O Yeah my cousins are wayyyy small for any of that XD The coolest thing they’ve done so far is go down a waterslide lol (That sounds really cool though, I’m all ears to hear any stories about it if you got any! :D)

@4lagoon4 group

(lol the best I can do is float and let the water take me wherever. XD I guess that’s appropriate though because I’m kind of a drifter in real life)

@just_gabs_needs_springtime group

hey friends
so i got some sad news this morning from an old friend of mine, if y'all could keep her in prayers
*TW- overdose

So my friend; I hadn't heard from her in a few months but she texted me this morning and said that her dad ODed and he passed away this weekend. She's been struggling for quite a while now with mental health and just in general has been through a lot, and it broke my heart to hear. I told her I would be praying for her family, and I also got her permission to share a little about what happened and ask others for prayer too.

thanks for reading.