forum Pray for me. I may have to leave for a while.
Started by @Darkblossom group

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@Darkblossom group

So, what’s been going on in my life recently has been somewhat chaotic, and completely my fault. I’m not going to go into details, but I am homeschooled, and instead of doing schoolwork I’ve generally been watching YouTube and interacting on here, My mom has discovered this partially, at least that I haven’t been doing schoolwork, and today we will have a ‘Talk’. I will probably lose device privileges for a long time, and may not be on here for a while. Pray for me, Notebookians, and if you don’t believe in God, then wish me good luck that my whole world doesn’t crash around me.


It'll be okay. Sooner or later you'll get devices back, and in the mean time you'll be able to catch up on school and have some healthy non electronic time. It might be good over all, and I hope you know you'll be missed! (and definitely praying for you)

@Darkblossom group

Hugs back, crying happy tears Well, at least I know that I am a better person with a website of friends now. Thank you Notebookians! You will never realize how much you have impacted me!

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Broski you’ve been gone for a while 😂
Uh let’s see.
Ravens is still around, and so is Midnight but I don’t see them that often. Pretty little pyro I haven’t seen in a good bit, Ella is still here, and the Brenna person has not been seen for a really really long time. The name is Win by the way. Nice to have ya back. If you ever need a place to go talk in, feel free to come to the Share Things Nobody Asked You To Share thread. There’s plenty of people there you can talk too!


Hey, I know it’s been a while. I… don’t know what had happened. To be truthful, I stumbled upon this website. I have memory loss, so I don’t know anything about this… just that clearly I was a part of this community and that I had some good friends. I apologize to everyone who expected me to come back and remember them. I honestly don’t remember anything about my childhood. Maybe this website will help?

@Darkblossom group

Hey Midnight :) It's been so long, I know. I've been trying to find old threads where I chatted so I can rediscover my friends; if you want, I might dig up something featuring you. I hope this website does help you find some memories, hopefully good ones.