forum Poster?
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people_alt 1 follower

Deleted user

So suppose you need to make a poster for a small game you're holding in your school for International Day. How would you decorate the poster? I've decided to call the game I planned 'Creed' because it depends on what you believe in religiously, but I have little to no clue about how I should make that poster. It's due Tuesday, and I've got nothing planned out.

Deleted user

Could you explain it a little more? I might be able to help you come up with some ideas.

Well, I need the poster to name the game I planned out. The name of the game should obviously be on the poster, but I don’t know how to decorate it. The game is supposed to be inspired by an original sport, and I chose mine as something inspired by Basketball.
I was thinking that since it’s inspired by Basketball, I could draw little basketballs, but I have no clue of how it would look.

@Becfromthedead group

Perhaps you could use cool font and designs or patterns that aren't anything in particular, and maybe just a few (no more than 3 or 4) basketballs, as long as you don't overdo it. I'm not sure how big your poster is.