forum Post Your Book Ideas Here!
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Deleted user

Feel free to bounce off any half-baked ideas or even little bits of dialogue off me or any other aspiring authors.


well, aside from the trilogy i'm writing, i'm playing around with the idea of toronto newsies meets a darker shade of magic. the main character is the only girl newsie and has half a leg and a missing pinky finger.

@itsZombles Beta Tester

I'm currently picking away at three ideas, set in the same universe. It's a universe where gods are hunted down and eaten in order to gain their power/immortality. Sci-fi/fantasy/urban fantasy? It's, uh, nebulous right now.

The stories are as follows:

1) Two sisters who share the same body after the older sister was supposedly killed in a super-soldier program. They use their double-conscious state to win underground fighting competitions in the hopes to finally earn enough money to purchase a new body for the older sister.

2) A group of thieves attempting to pull of a giant heist, as the rules of the god that controls their planet states that only people who have accumulated vast sums of wealth earn a place in the afterlife.

3) A girl whose people are all but extinct tries to reunite a god who is down on his luck (and pretty goddamn useless in the grand scheme of Phenomenal Cosmic Powerdom) with other gods to form a pantheon, in the hope that they will drive the people who conquered her planet away and instill her as the new empress.


New user here! Oh boy, I have TONS of ideas for stories, but the ones that I've developed more are:

1) A young girl whose mother has tuberculosis finds herself in the middle of the American Civil War without money nor hope. She decides, along with her brother, to join the army as a boy and send their mother to the hospital. Her time in the army changes her life as she loses some of her loved ones, meets people from different background and races and learns to survive in the trenches.

2) In a post-WW2 Japan, a group of people with a special gen that allows them to store and emit radiation have appeared. The story follows a young orphan boy and his best friend, a Korean immigrant, in a search for answers after they meet a woman who killed five American soldiers with radioactivity while they tried to rape her. The story gets progressively darker, with the involvement of a religious cult, and touches aspects of Japanese society such as imperialist ideologies, gender roles, mental illnesses or Japanese-American relationships.


oh, there's also the one set in a futuristic toronto where benevolent robots are everywhere and do everything and the main character absolutely hates robots. she inadvertently destroys her journalism career and gets shipped off to space (under the guide of reporting on space things, it's bs, but considering she hates robots, going to space is not ideal for her). things happen, there's a war, she gets fatally injured, and the crew decides to save her life by turning her into a cyborg. then she becomes the villain of the story because now she hates the people who decided to make her part-robot.


Well, my favorite idea that I'm working on right now is probably my Archangels story. It follows the Archangel Michael as he tracks down his brother Samael who has "fallen" from Heaven to destroy humanity. Lucifer is there as a kind of anti-hero. He's not a bad guy but he's not exactly eager to fight with Michael. I have a female protagonist in there but I'm still trying to work out exactly what her purpose is. The whole idea is supposed to be like a second war of Heaven.

Deleted user

Those all sound incredible! I actually really like the cyborg idea; I've always wanted to read from the point of view of the villian.

@Dream Snatcher

A mailman delivering a huge box to a house. In the house lived 4 vampires that were brothers. When they opened they fount a human girl. They all find theirselves attracted to her and wanting to kill for her. The oldest brother is named Okishimo, the second oldest is named James, the youngest is named Yui, and the last brother is named Zachariah. The girl’s name is Kyoko. The story let’s you also know what all the character’s are thinking. It might seem boring, but I have made many people read it and they like it. Tell me if this idea sucks. If you don’t like romantic stuff then you’ll probably not like this.

@Dream Snatcher

A mailman delivering a huge box to a house. In the house lived 4 vampires that were brothers. When they opened they fount a human girl. They all find theirselves attracted to her and wanting to kill for her. The oldest brother is named Okishimo, the second oldest is named James, the youngest is named Yui, and the last brother is named Zachariah. The girl’s name is Kyoko. The story let’s you also know what all the character’s are thinking. It might seem boring, but I have made many people read it and they like it. Tell me if this idea sucks. If you don’t like romantic stuff then you’ll probably not like this.

Deleted user

Personally, I think the whole vampire romance thing is a bit cliche and overused, but whatever floats your boat.


twins that are total opposites because when they were younger they were split from one person into 2 people. this causes problems because one is "Evil" and the other is "Good"
if the "Evil" one does something "good" then the "good" one must do something "evil" to balance it out. however this is not intentional so after the "evil" one dies the "good" one stays their good self until one day they do something "evil" and try to find their twin.


  1. Set in a medieval fantasy kingdom, a young girl who grows up in the royal family, trapped inside the castle, frees the king's prisoners and escapes the palace a week before her arranged wedding. After escaping, she decides to take on the role of the chosen knight of the land and slay the beast Oroki to save the kingdom herself.
  2. Set in a realistic earth setting, a girl exists who has the ability to see the current emotion and lifeline of anyone around her. Since she is the only one of her kind, she is left alone to deal with the psychological ramifications of her own ability, especially as she watches the lifelines of some of her closest friends dwindle.
  3. Set in a dark, desolate wasteland, a man wakes up in a world he doesn't recognize. After getting involved in the revolt of a nearby town to overthrow their oppressive leader, he realizes he is walking inside his own dream, and must try to make things right before he is forcefully removed from his own subconcious


The human race is divided into two. An east and west side of the earth. The cause of this was because a group wished to prove the world that humans were pure by nature and get rid of things that would be deemed controversial. Be it historical pieces, fictional works, or human instincts. To not cause a world war, the government decide to split the people based on their viewpoints and live on opposite sides of the globe. However, those who commit horrible deeds will be either sentenced to death or banished to the other side.

Taking place years in the future, a young man named Kiyoshi gets caught holding erotic material, which is frowned upon on the West. His sentence is light and is sent to live among those in the East, which is rumored to hold unstable people that give themselves to accept their dark past humanity has made. Upon his arrival, he meets a beautiful girl who shows him that not everything his home had taught him is true. She and many new friends along the way will give many different perspectives on their life and hobbies. These might help him see the world much different.