forum Possibly Deleting my Account Maybe
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 35 followers

Deleted user

Some events have occurred that have made me question if it's really worth staying. I feel unsupported and I can't tell anyone on here or in real life what's really happening. I think leaving would make it easier to really try and find someone who cares IRL even though there's no one, and even if there was, I wouldn't be able to tell them anyway.
I know nobody is going to care, except for maybe Shuri because he's Shuri. I have this pent up frustration all the time and I just want to be done with it.
I don't expect to stay for very long.


Look I understand if you want to leave but if you think no one's going to care, you're wrong. I care about you and I know that I barely know you but I care. I'm always ready to listen to anyone. If you do leave for yourself, I understand. But do know that you'll be missed


I know we don't know each other, but if you need somebody to go to, you can always PM me. I understand that life can be rough and I hope that whatever you're going through passes soon. If you really feel like leaving will help you, you should take a break.

@HighPockets group

Don't delete your account. And I know I'm probably the reason you are in the first place. I'm fully willing to put everything that happened behind me and do anything to make it up to you. I was mean and I was wrong, in some aspects, and I know you probably hate me now. Believe me, I hate me to. Just find anything on her that makes you hold on, and we'll work together to clean up the site and make it less drama-filled.


I'd care if you left! I'd miss you. I care about you and everyone else on this site. If you feel like you really have to leave, then so be it. Do what you need to do. But don't just yeet yourself away like we wouldn't care if you left, because we would. You're an amazing person.