forum Politics Section???
Started by @stargirl-3213

people_alt 3 followers


Okay this is gonna sound like a stupid question but I'm honestly so confused. How would you fill in the politics section on the character description? Like, I need an example or something XD



I think it's what they believe in politically. E.G. one of my characters is something like: "Raging feminist. Just wants peace and equality and doesn't care what they'd have to do to get it."


Think about the politics of your own world; what do people believe? For example, in one of my countries, there are two main streams of political thought: Progressivism and Traditionalism. Traditionalists want the country to stay the way it was before it was destroyed, and Progressivists want a bunch of new changes that they believe would help the country flourish and grow. So for my characters who live in that country, I put down whether or not they believe in Traditionalist or Progressivist values, or something in between, or nothing at all, or something else entirely.