forum Pokemon Go Anyone?
Started by @LadyCiel

people_alt 38 followers




ahem, sorry about that excitement but um yes hi I play and am more than willing to send over my friend code if you'd like.

The only tip/strategy/advice stuff I have is that if you find a group of people (even small groups) that also play around your area, try to talk and hook up times with them so you can all take on Raids and Gyms together. There are about 5-7 people in my relatively small group and even then, it makes Raids and Gyms way easier to deal with than on your lonesome.



ive got a few tips, dont know if anyone knows about em or not.

lucky eggs boot the ever-living CRAP out of exp earned. so with that being said. SAVE ALL OF THE POKEMON YOU WANT TO EVOLVE. like…dont evolve a single one until you get like….10 saved up. once you have enough, activate the lucky egg then go on an evolution frenzy! great way to get a hilarious amount of exp!
another lucky egg one!
just before you go on a raid (not a gym battle) activate a lucky egg! win or lose, youll still get A LOT of points.
Once i found a friend who was on a different team than me, we took down a gym, then sat there taking turns beating each other for control. easy way for points!

thats really all i have atm, i havent played in quite a while :(

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^^^ low key do that all the time.
and Raids. Those are awesome

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hello does anyone wants to be my friend in pokemon go? (because I need to make 3 new friends and my real life friends don't like pokemon and are too lazy to make fake accounts)