forum Poetry Slam
Started by @Rvan group

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@Rvan group

I dunno… I feel like I write poetry a lot and wanted to share some of it so I thought I’d make a poetry slam so anyone else can post their own if they want to or just want to read or something. *shrug

@Rvan group

I guess I’ll go with something I wrote a long time ago

The girl who smiles.
The valedictorian.
The teacher’s pet.
Do you know how I feel?
The girl that will always hold the door open for you.
The girl that will always pick up a pencil for you.
The girl that always says thank you when you hand her the next biology assignment.
Do you know how I feel?
My mental health is shattering.
I can’t sleep at night.
I gone as far down as I can go.
I’m tired of shutting up.
I can’t hold in my feelings any longer.
Do you know how I feel?
The girl who smiles.


We are lost
We wander the woods we own
Only we can tame the creatures that rest inside
But do we want to
We are angry
Often at ourselves, at people we don't know
Nothing can put out our fires
Except the unrest of civility
We are broken
We don't function as we should
Our broken bits and pieces are scattered
We could pick them up if we knew how



“There are no such things as monsters.”
I used to believe that
Believe that they didn’t exist
Because the ones I was afraid of
Were under the bed
And in the closet
Because I thought as soon as the moon rose in the sky
Not even my plug-in night-light
Would save me from them

Of course, as I grew older
I realized that the monsters
Under the bed and in the closet
Weren’t the ones I needed to fear
No, I learned about the monsters I should’ve feared
By the monotone news anchor
Who relayed the night’s events
And the people who died
With a straight face
I learned by the black and white articles
Whose text was just as colorless
As its opinions were
I learned by the people who cried in school
About the things that had happened
And the ways their lives felt shattered
I learned by the constant stress
The seemingly never ending death toll
The ways my best friends would whisper
About the things their parents said
About people “like them.”

It took me far too long to realize
That the word “monster”
Was made to give people hope
That something out there
Was worse than us
Because they never expected
That we would realize the truth
And turn the word “monster”
To ourselves

We are human.
At sunset, the sun cowers away from us
And finds another part of the world
To see if we’re just as bad there
The stars are so terrified
That during the day they hide themselves
So we can no longer see them
The plants wilt
Because they know deep down
That they can’t escape our grasps
Because they’ve forced themselves to understand
We’ve forgotten how to let go

We are human.
We are the hell bringing monsters
That ripped the earth
Into so many pieces
That the word “horrible”
Is so commonly used to describe us
That we’ve stopped denying it

We are human.
We are the killers of the universe
We are terrifying
And deep down
We are very, very

Monsters do exist,
And we are always here
Waiting for a chance to prove
That we are not as bad
As we know we are.

Monsters do exist.
We call ourselves “human.”

@Rvan group

Watching from afar
Seeing the difference between us
I’ll never be great
So I won’t ever be in that group
Do you know how that makes me feel?
Even when you all surround me
I am alone
Because they’re is an unbreakable

@Rvan group

One time a while back we had to do a science project about symbiosis and you could do multiple things like make a keynote, or a poster board, et cetera etcetera but we could also do a poem, and so my group did that (mostly because I wanted to do the poem SSSOOOO bad) and I wrote most of it because I got so excited about poetry and I got our group an A and I’m still really proud of it because it’s about science but still meaningful, but now i lost it and I’m sad. Thanks for listening to my tedtalk, good day to you too

@Rvan group

Parties are sweaty bodies standing too close together
Parties are couples getting too close
Parties are getting high and drunk
Parties are watching your crush get asked to dance by someone else
Parties are watching through a window on the sidelines
Parties are watching your friends have fun without you
Parties are making you feel hopeless and lost
Parties are a sinking feeling in your chest
Parties are fun, apparently

@Rvan group

Your Piece of Paper has More Self Esteem Than I do
People don’t realize
How wrong they can be
How they just don’t understand
Because they aren’t survivors
They aren’t victims
That ‘just be happy’ can’t happen
Because I’m not a piece of paper
I’m not plain and simple
I can’t be fixed with only a few words
You can’t just put tape over the broken pieces