forum Plz help me with my villain
Started by @TheGoldenLegend

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I finally added the villain to my book, but the main protagonist does not know that he’s the villain yet. Here’s the thing I need help on-

The villain tries to get into a lovey-dovey relationship with the (fem) protagonist, annoying the main love-interest, but I need to find ways that gets the main character & the readers to like him so that when he does go bad they will hate him even more…

Any ideas?

@Becfromthedead group

I'm not sure what to tell you besides don't view him as being just an antagonist. He, just like your other characters, should have a mix of traits, both good and bad, and he will in some ways have to be likable. Maybe he's very passionate and a kind, generous lover, but under the surface he's actually rather manipulative. It's not easy, but again, this guy is more than just an antagonist. He's a realistic person in the world you've created. Do you have a character sheet for him?


Okay…I'm just gonna put this out there.
There's nothing wrong with morally grey characters, but…I'd REALLY like to see good heroes. Like, people who have good morals and stick to them. Like Samwise Gamgee, Obi-Wan, Wonder Woman, etc. People still love rooting for the Cinnamon rolls with morals! Also Antagonists with good morals that oppose the Protagonist's are wonderful! Remember, an Antagonist isn't always a bad person, they just have morals or do things that oppose what the main character believes or does.

Sorry, that was kinda preachy.


K. Not to be hard on you or anything, but he's kinda cookie cutter villain. Like nothing wrong with that, everyone loves a good murderer (Except my mom but that's beside the point). What I'm trying to say is that he won't be very likable if you don't give him likable traits! Like, maybe give him an unexpected hobbie, like he loves to knit or bake!
Just a suggestion.


My sister made this layout of him, so not all his personality traits are on it (She only view him from the thing I told her about him… And that was mainly all the battle science I wanted to put in my book and not all the good-hearted mistakes and accomplishments he has ever done with the other characters)


Not really 'straight on' about your question, but I wrote all this out and did not want to erase it-

One- He has a very strong connection with dogs, he really likes them (My love-interest has a dog so he gets annoyed when the villain gets all lovey-dovey with it)

Two- Somethings he has in common with the main character-
a- They both don't know how to use a gun, or any new age devices (Phone, car, video games, ext)
b- The villain and the protagonist both love ice skating and ice cream, and they hate tea (Any kind of tea)
c- They both can't cook (They burnt down the kitchen when they tried to make a cake)
d- They both are cat lovers (Like serious cat lovers)

@Becfromthedead group

That's a good approach, actually. I didn't think about giving the villain specific things in common with the protagonist. It really gives him a whole other level of likability.