forum Please Mark a Tombstone, I am Gonna die
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Deleted user

Im actually not gonna die (sorry if my joke offended anyone) but i am hella anxious

Ok so some insight as to why. A month or so back I lost my glasses. Happens all the time, sure. So I searched here and there and basically everywhere I could think (except under my couch, which is going to be sooner or later) and I couldn't find them. Why I am upset is for three reasons, (marked greatest to least). 1) My mother will abolutely murder me 2) I liked being able to see and 3) I liked the frames (and I don't think they'll be avalible anymore rip).

"Why are you so anxious, Emi? They're just glasses." You might be saying to yourself. Well about a year back my mom thought I was either going to 1) lose them or 2) not wear them. Well i did both of those things, but ultimately I decided I was going to continue wearing them, because they looked nice and like I said, I liked to see.

wELL I'm probably not going to get another pair because I need another prescription and I lost THE FRAMES so the change of prescription will cost money (while the change of prescription with frames would be free covered under our insurance (maybe??)).

So ultimately I'm gonna have to tell my mom and i'm not excited at all. I'm already prepared to cry lmao