forum Please help I need to find the name of a book
Started by @Someone_Called_zap group

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@Someone_Called_zap group

Ok so like idk where to put this so it's here! Yay! Anywho I can't remember the name of this book and it's driving me bananas. I read it in either upper elementary or middle school so that's the sort of the age range to look for.
Ok so it follows this boy, and he's running away. I don't remember what from or why exactly but he was running. he was like super nice and everyone liked him and he stayed with people, but it was never for long. Like he stayed with this family for a time? I think and like he would always help out around the house. But one thing I do remember is that he never slept on a bed, not even when it was offered to him. Like the parents noticed that his bed was really well made and looking over it he hadn't slept on it. If I'm right I think he slept on the floor using a baseball glove that he always kept with him as a pillow. And like when he left none of the family wanted him to go.
He also stayed with an old man. And the old man was kind to him. When the old man died, he was the only one at his funeral, along with the gravediggers. That I know I remember.
I'm so so sorry I don't remember anything else, my memory is like a goldfish I swear lol. If you know the name of this book please I'm begging you to tell me. Also if anything I don't think the boy was an orphan, but I can't be all too sure. I think he had a father and that's why he's running but don't take my word on that.
Anyway thank you! =D

Deleted user

It kinda sounds like Maniac Magee but then again idk

@Pickles group

I googled it and really the only thing coming up is The Outsiders, but I haven't read it so I couldn't tell you if it's right