forum Place your relatable writing problems here
Started by @NobleWolf

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once I sat in front of a computer for 30 minutes and literally the only words I wrote were:

Chapter 1


that's it

granted, I was distracted with Pinterest and notebook and stuff but still


I have an OC addiction, I can't stop making OCs and I'm having trouble finding places for them in my stories. And then I can't stop myself from creating complex backstories for those characters and being tempted to make an entire story based on that one character
There's also the issue of creating perfect characters, perfect plot, perfect backstories and then somehow not knowing what to actually write once you want to start the book
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@Starfast group

  • Doing a whole bunch of research for a scene that you end up not even including
  • Knowing a lot about a really niche topic because you had to research it for your story (someone ask me about chimney sweeps).
  • Hoping that no one looks at your internet history because you don't know how to explain why you were googled stuff about weapons on multiple occasions
  • When you spend all day not knowing what to write and then inspiration strikes at like 1am.
  • The constant struggle of "Do I tell people about this thing that's supposed to be a major plot twist or do I try to avoid talking to it?" while you're talking about your projects
  • Finding people to talk to about your projects with


oh god yeah all of those are relateable as fuck
I'm acually currently researching a lot about abandoned buildings and how it affects the structure of the building and how quickly the furniture inside starts to fall apart and all that bc my MC is living in an abandoned hotel


Bruh the plot twist is so me! Like on the one hand, they don't know what I'm talking about so it should be alright, but on the other hand IT'S A TWIST SO DON'T TELL THEM


  • Knowing a lot about a really niche topic because you had to research it for your story (someone ask me about chimney sweeps).

Actually, can I? One of my OCs works as a chimney sweep in the Victorian era.


And all of these are so relatable.
Here's another:
-Creating characters
-Creating complex backstories
-Planning their character arcs
-Realizing that I have to put these characters into a world I don't yet have with a plot I don't yet have
-Creating the world
-Creating niche customs, complex histories, multiple countries and languages, etc.
-Realizing that I still have no plot
-Screaming into the void at 2 a.m. when I realize I never will
-…Because a new story idea came along and the old one is starting to get old
-Rinse and repeat


Or how about "having a plot" that is just a vague idea in your head and you have a beginning and an end and a few very specific things that you planned for the middle and the rest is just

@Starfast group

Actually, can I? One of my OCs works as a chimney sweep in the Victorian era.

Yes you may. I never thought that all this chimney sweep knowledge would amount to anything useful outside of my own writing. I can't promise I have all the answers, but to get the ball rolling, here's just a list of facts that I compiled while I was researching

These are some other sources that I used


-Realizing that I still have no plot
-Screaming into the void at 2 a.m. when I realize I never will
-…Because a new story idea came along and the old one is starting to get old
-Rinse and repeat

Omg this happened to my last two universes. THEY JUST DON'T FEEL THE SAME ANYMORE

@faltering-through pets

I have an OC addiction, I can't stop making OCs and I'm having trouble finding places for them in my stories. And then I can't stop myself from creating complex backstories for those characters and being tempted to make an entire story based on that one character
There's also the issue of creating perfect characters, perfect plot, perfect backstories and then somehow not knowing what to actually write once you want to start the book
Image result for relatable writing problems

duuuude same


Having that one niche (or maybe a few niches) that are so out of place that when someone asks you about that subject everyone around you thinks you are either the smartest or the weirdest person in the room. Then again, those same people thought I was so smart for knowing that Legos were invented in Denmark. I mean, seriously! Who doesn't know that?!

@HighPockets group

Having that one niche (or maybe a few niches) that are so out of place that when someone asks you about that subject everyone around you thinks you are either the smartest or the weirdest person in the room. Then again, those same people thought I was so smart for knowing that Legos were invented in Denmark. I mean, seriously! Who doesn't know that?!