forum Personality types
Started by @ravens

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oof…. thats rough but i get that…. you have 50% in bother introvert and extrovert, aka ambivert, and you are both a sense-r and an intuitive which is pretty cool

@Becfromthedead group

Do you guys think that when looking at types, we should look at the type as a whole, or at the individual parts? That's kind of where my issue is. You see, my individual parts add up to ISFJ, but my outlook is too much "live and let live" for me to be an ISFJ, and as a whole, I feel more like an ISFP.

Deleted user

Every person has some "live and let live" in them, no matter their type. It's human nature. There's also the chance you are 60< on judging which would add more Perception, so in all, don't let the personality type define you, you define the personality type. Nothing is strict to the books, we are human.

@Becfromthedead group

This is one of the reasons I can't buy into personality typing. I know it's one of those situations where it's like 49%, 51%- and of course very few humans are 100% anything. It'd just be nice to not be undecided. It's like my beliefs and stances are too fluid and changeable to be a J, but I don't live in the moment enough to be a P. Otherwise, the ISF part fits well.

Deleted user

You are both, bud. You're human, you can classify yourself (if you want, mind you) as a ISF-P/F. Sadly, i was one of the few humans with nearly 100% and 100% on all my results… this makes it quite hard for me to sympathize with you since I never had many problems with it myself. What you are is for you to decide… I'm sorry, I'm not much help…

@Becfromthedead group

That's actually pretty cool, to have types that are reflected that strongly. Also what you just said was actually really helpful because I didn't know ISF-P/T was a way to document it.
Uhhh but I'm like 90-something% introvert, so that's cool, and I got a solid result on the other two, so at least I'm not juggling more than 2 types.

Deleted user

I think im 100% on I, 89 on N, 88 on F, 97 on P, and 93 on T. (INFP-T)

@Becfromthedead group

Nice! My so-called "solid results" are ~85 for S and ~62 for F (because I think a lot too, and I actually have a very scientific mind. I just feel things very intensely.)

Deleted user

that makes sense. My mind has a mostly poetic side with a scientific side, so ill describe in detail in poetry how the world works… for example.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, I'm just in tune to others' emotions, and seeing others have problems causes me deep emotional pain, so that's fun. But when it comes to proof and arguments, I'm always like "lol do you have math to back that up?" My boyfriend and I kind of joke that I stopped taking English because I can't read (by that I more mean I can't analyze literature).

Deleted user

Ah, sense has been made. Analyzes personality for future reference for possible characters

Deleted user

Every person has some "live and let live" in them, no matter their type. It's human nature. There's also the chance you are 60< on judging which would add more Perception, so in all, don't let the personality type define you, you define the personality type. Nothing is strict to the books, we are human.


@Riorlyne pets

INFJ :) I was a bit confused about the last two letters of mine until I looked up MBTI typing in a bit more depth, and found that I’m pretty near 100% extroverted feeling, which makes a lot of sense.