forum PenNames
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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I use something along the lines of Starlight for everything.

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My pen name is Alice O'Mally. It's also the name I use online. Yay internet safety XD


If I ever published a book, I'd use Elysa (or Elisa, I haven't decided yet) Mathews. It's similar to my real name but sounds better.


I usually use Clara Tash whenever I publish something. I was thinking about using Fossil Jasper like my username but it doesn't really have a ring to it

@Starfast group

I used to use Marina Raykes as a pen name on one of the sites that I used to post my writing to. Now I mostly just use Starfast/ Starrfast since that's my username for most sites. I haven't really uploaded any writing anywhere and I'm not thinking seriously about getting anything actually published so for now the name Star(r)fast is serving it's purpose.

I may try to come up with a new pen name at some point. If I ever changed my mind about publishing my stuff I'd probably do it under a pen name. I have a personal criteria for coming up with one, but at this point I can honestly say that I've thought more seriously about coming up with a new pen name than actually getting published.

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I usually go by Harrison Sonder irl but online I use Bonsai Black

@HighPockets group

That's a Power NameTM.

Oml xD
I see a recurring theme here with me choosing power names to go by whoopsies

You always have the best names Ace!!!!


My friend and I are currently writing a book together (so far it’s coming along pretty good) and we go by the penname K.T. Fellon. It’s supposed to sound like Katie but the intilasyare supposed to represent us in some way.