forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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kinda dirty so its a precation

@HighPockets group

Gender/Sexuality/Single?: (ya know, just in case…………)
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Man, Ethan Hunt is awesome.

Oh, that skateboarder guy?

No, I said Ethan Hunt, not Ethan Hawke, even then you’re getting him confused with Tony Hawk. Ethan Hunt is the guy from Mission

Ohhh, I know those movies! Yeah, the names Caan, James Caan. Sean Bean was great in that!

Oh my god no, you mean Sean Connery, and James Caan? Really?

Sorry, that’s actually the guy who directed Avatar: The Last Airbender, isn’t it…

Oh. My. God. No. You’re thinking of James Cameron.

@HighPockets group

So anyways it's about this guy named Jon who lives in the outskirts of the city-state of Twyllo with his uncle, a man named Marcus who owns a tavern. 6 years before, when he was 14, his sister was tried and executed for inciting a rebellion, and his sister's now-cynical lover joins him in planning a full scale rebellion. So Jon, Oliver (his sister's boyfriend), Ansel (a 13 yo streetsweeper who Jon takes in), Marcus, Darius (a higher ranking member of Victory Court, the wealthy section, who wants to end all of the corruption in the government), Therese (Oliver's kid sister) and Kira (an orphaned teen girl) plot this rebellion at Marcus's tavern. The Duchess, who is in reality a Queen but is titled as a Duchess due to her family's tradition, hosts a giant ball to celebrate the beginning of summertime, and to keep an eye on all of the citizens in one night. Jon attends, and meets Peggy Lewis. Peggy is fairly well known, but not for herself if that makes since, she's famous because of her sister Amira who is one of the Duchess's right hand men of sorts, and for being Ilona Tobit's ex girlfriend, since Ilona was tired of living in Twyllo and fled the country. And they have a meetcute, and then we meet Nich Fox, a traveling thief/con artist, and his cousins, Nell (who is sweet and kind) and Joan (who is icy and kind of pessimistic). Nich gets arrested for theft and taken to jail, leaving Nell and Joan to fend for themselves. The next day, Samuel Shafton (the Duchess's speechwriter/messenger) delievers a new decree, and Therese gets into a fight with him (it's one-sided because he doesn't try to fight back). This predictably gets her sent to jail, where she and Nich escape custody together. Then Jon and Peggy start to interact more and start to fall in love, but Peggy doesn't realize how much she likes him until he leaves with a lot of others to stage a full-scale rebellion, with fights and stuff. Samuel is sent into the rebellion as a spy for the Duchess as a punishment of sorts for not defending her name when Therese slandered them both. She severely screws up his ankle and essentially leaves him to be found by Joan, who has found her way into the rebellion as a recon agent. They become friends (and possibly more) as they try to get back with the rebellion together. Meanwhile, Nich and Therese are cornered by Nich's ex-friend Mourton, who shoots Nich and is killed by Therese. They manage to make it back to the rebellion, where Therese meets Nell, who is now a medic, and falls in love with her. Jon and Oliver are trying to run the rebellion, but Darius is continuing to get more disillusioned with the rebellion, and eventually leaves, but to retrieve his secret girlfriend Winifred from Twyllo since he knows she is being abused by the Duchess (emotionally and by being locked in a room all day). He's caught and interrogated by Helena Nicolet, one of the Duchess's top soldiers, and sent back. The others are also getting a bit disillusioned, and this reaches its peak when Jon is captured and held as a hostage by the Duchess's troops for killing Amira (he didn't he was set up by Helena). Peggy rescues him and they make it back together, and she realizes that she loves him.

@HighPockets group

Aedion: Impressive, Aelin!

Lysandra: So what’s the plan?

Aelin: Step one, get the armies to help us

Rowan: What’s step two?

Aelin: I honestly didn’t think we’d make it this far

Deleted user

“Pffft! Kris is gonna choke on one of Hunter’s granola bars one of these days. And Hunter’s not gonna save him.” She grinned. “What about the time you did that thing with the blender and the funnel? The was insane.” She kissed his nose and sprinkled kisses along his cheeks.

Slyvastor giggled gently as she kissed him. “Hunter’ll save him wether he wants to or not. The blender and th- oooh. I didn’t think- how did you see that?”

Deleted user

The house certainly didn’t come off as welcoming - it wasn’t even finished, house-wrap encirlcing the wooden planks and plywood serving as a ceiling. It was certainly no place for the girl, not even sixteen, with her black hair that caught what little light there was with sheen and her pale, almost angelic face. No, she had no place here. And yet here she was.
Curled up inside of the thin, navy-green tarp, she shivered in both cold and fear. Even she didn’t know why she was here - was it impulse? Was it desire? Fear? But there was no time to dwell on that - the sky outside was gray and the moon barely cast light on the thin vegetation around the abandoned house. She had to stay alert, in case it wasn’t safe - which it wasn’t - ashes still lay in the fireplace, occasionally lifted up and laid back down on the girl by the wind.
Eventually, the poor girl lost the long and well-fought battle of her against her eyelids. Curled, shivering in the thin tarp, she dreamt poorly and coldly. What a shame.
As if on cue, uneven footsteps stepped onto the plywood and began to echo through the thin, bare house - first on the tile of what would have been a kitchen and bathroom, then to the plastic covering of the living room, then to the stone porch, and finally to the bedrooms made of plywood, where our girl is resting. Our poor, angelic girl who should not be here.
A blade is unsheathed. It could be viewed as pretty is it was not in these circumstances. It was one of those metals that reflected all sorts of different colors in the lighting, and the sliver of moonlight that shined on it was perfect for this. There was a (probably fake) unidentifiable gemstone in the handle, a sort of chilly blue.
The uneven footsteps drew closer across the plywood. The footsteps were hard, as if made in business shoes. The blade, too, came closer to our girl.
It made contact with our girl. Our girl is dead. She was not supposed to be here. There it went, another unfair life. One that drove itself to death.
The uneven footsteps hobbled in the other direction.

Deleted user

I'm tired of making the same mistakes
Of being scared my dream will go to waste
Wanna write a song but don't know where to start
Feeling like a failure when I try to make my art
I've always like poetry, but songs are kinda different
I wanna keep on trying but I'm feeling oh-so freaking spent
Maybe if I dropout of school I'd have the time
But even then, in terms of money, I still won't have a dime

I wanna be a dropout
I wanna be a dropout
I wanna be a dropout
But I can't

'Cause I
Still worry 'bout my GPA
I swear that teacher hates me
I really need a break
My homework is missing
The seniors are kissing
Classmates are dissing
And I just wanna (die–)

I wanna be a dropout
I wanna be a dropout
I wanna be a dropout
I'm out

Of my mind
Everyone always thinks I'm so kind
But that's not true at all, and if you look you'll find
I'm really codependent, and even though I say I'm fine
I really just want to (die–)

'Cause I'm scared of disapointing
And school is too controlling
I wanna run away
But mom and dad want me to stay
I'm told there's more to life
Than just plain worry and strife
I need to kneel and pray
Devil tells me not today
Wanna put a gun to my head
Guess instead I'll go to bed

I wanna be a dropout
I wanna be a dropout
I wanna be a dropout
But I can't

I wanna be a dropout
I wanna be a dropout
(I wanna be a dropout)

(this was from a user named @Trash, not me)