forum parties
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 2 followers

Deleted user

i just sit on the floor in the corner stuffing food in my mouth and being anti social eating a brownie

@Rvan group

I don’t really go to many parties other than homecoming… I try to get myself out there, but I prolly look dorky. On a higher note, I’m considering trying to ask my crush to go with me to homecoming *shrugs again

Deleted user

i let my friend do whatever she wants cause she sits through my rants

Deleted user

she lets me and doent mind when i done out
i have some mental llneses so it can be hard to focus sometimes

@Rvan group

Lol, I just spent the night with my friends at a fair so that was cool. They were really fun, it just made me really appreciate how they always put up with me (I’m not very fun/social/good at speaking because I’M SO AWKWARD).

@Rvan group

Yaa! Do you ever say something, and it came out sounding kinda weird, like if your voice breaks or something, then think back on it and be like did that sound just come out of my mouth? or is that just me?


I don't usually hang out with people when I go to parties. Unless my best friend is there, then I hang out with her and some of her friends. Thank goodness for friends.