forum Pardon lemme just *ear shattering screaming*
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

people_alt 4 followers


Oh man

Okay so I've been getting pretty loose on this site lately, sharing things about myself that most of my fam don't know.
My mom has been stalking me for awhile now, so in order to remain safe and in the fam, I need to revert back to Good Child (TM). That means no gay, trans, or anything like that for a long time. And you guys know so yeah.

I have no more safe space.

I am literally shaking.

Deleted user

Damn son. That's one helluva problem you got there. If there's anything I can do to help, just ask.

Deleted user

Don't thank me Sly. I'm just doing what anyone else on this site would do.

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

Sly, I'm so sorry that your safe space is being taken away. If you ever need anything, PM me. I will help to the best of my ability. I know if my parents ever tried to keep an eye on my Notebook account, I'd be in some deep trouble. I haven't come out to my parents yet either and I would really rather they not find out so I understand you're decision. Talk to me if you ever need to. I will be here for you.