forum Our Characters Discuss Their Lives
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

So, basically I’ve seen this done before and it’s kind of like daycare where we drop our characters off to talk together and we’re eating cookies in the next room over

Deleted user

So, let’s count off. Zero!
Oz: One!
Lizzie: Two!
Basil: Three!
Skylar: Four!
Houston: Five!
Newt: Six!
Alright, great guys. I’ll be in the next room if you need me.


*gently places children *
now go… be free…

Death: *smokes cigar out of ear * mentlegen
Life: can I just no?
Takeo: *slides to emo corner *
Griffin: S E N P A I
Claudia: hello?
Tatius: …
Vorex: end my suffering
Apophis: hi! :D

I apologize in advance for anything and everything goodbye- *skedaddles to other room *

Deleted user

Oz: exCUSE YOU, just WHAT do you think you're doing here, spoiling our party???? aNd By ThE wAy I'm ThE bEsT hErE
Lizzie: eyes cartoonish wide and blinking slowly
Basil: Okay, well, maybe we can settle this.
Houston: shakes hand with Death Nah I'm good, I like these people already
Skylar: Well, crap. They spoiled everything.
Newt: Help where's mama I'm scared
Basil: Well the CCR (cutest cinnamon roll) is scared I guess there's no hope of settling this now

Deleted user

Newt: What's the CCR?
Basil: Nothing…..
Newt: Is it a record player? A car model? Something in a hospital? A dog name? It sounds a bit like all of those things.
Basil: turning around and whispering to herself He's so fricking CUTEE I MUST PROTECT HIM FROM THESE MONSTERS
Newt: What?
Basil: What
Houston: Yo, come meet my new bud Takeo!
Basil: Gotta hand that kid the timing


Me: Okay guys have at it starts regretting decision

Annika: You are not making me do this I'm the Oracle

Allegra: Prepare for trouble!


Seth: Does anyone need Pepto Bismol? Or Sea weed? I have some laffy taffy in my pocket here. Oh wait…'s like….three years old

Mona: Ugh people. I'm out. pulls out 500 page novel

Piper: Hey guys! Sorry if I'm a bit odd….you might actually think I'm…..queer giggling

Kit: Pulls out knife This is Roset. pulls out bow and quiver This is Isa and Frerard. hauls giant sword out and this is big Benjmin

Tyson: screams

Ferran: I need a hug


Deleted user

Lizzie: Hey, uh…Rory, is it? Excuse me if this sounds weird but I like how you manage to stay positive in this whirlwind of, well…madness?
Basil: Same. Let me go get Newt and the three of us can retreat into a solemn, sane corner.
comes back with Newt
Newt: Basil where are you taking me to Mama I want Mama these people are too flamboyant and loud and scary
Houston from background: Are you calling me flamboyant?
Basil yelling: SHUT UP HOUSTON
Lizzie: Hush Newt, we wouldn't want to bother Mama, we're just going to stay safe in this corner that has fluffy blankets and pillows and scarves, okay?


Cynthia: Runs over to Grace and hugs her I have a best friend named Grace. At least… I did before she died. breaks down crying into grace's shoulder

Deleted user

Lizzie: Alright, maybe we should go get Mama now.
Basil: yeah…I think so too.
Oz: nO wAy!