forum Oscar says (not coming to a Walmart near you)
Started by @Pickles group

people_alt 58 followers

@Pickles group

So my first period teacher has a dog named Oscar, and (almost) every day she writes something he "says" on the board. Sometimes it's pretty funny so I guess I'll just put it here even though absolutely no one cares
Today, Oscar says: "Beware of running on tile with wet feet. It may lead to embarrassment."


Oscar says: "The world is full of people waiting to be your friend."

Lots of friends. Especially if they're dogs.

@Pickles group

Oscar says: "Never stop looking for hidden treasures." (This morning it only took me 10 minutes to find 4 socks that my mom thought she had hidden from me.)



Oscar says: "Life would be so much easier if people would realize the world does revolve around me."

Boy, don't I know some people like that! My cats, for starters.