forum Origin story game
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Shives-le-piano-knight started off as your regular human, but ran into some interesting complications that turned them extraordinary. It all started last Tuesday, when they picked up a seemingly random pen off the floor in their school. They continued on with their day, casually doodling and writing short stories within the margins of their work. However, the next day @Shives-le-piano-knight encountered one of the characters they had created the day before in real life, and discovered that the pen granted them the ability to manipulate the future with its ink! But the real question is will they use this power for good or for evil? And what happens when the ink runs out?

(I totally took this into a superhero/villain direction lmao. Hope you like it!)


@TiredOtter typed their new username into Notebook, absentmindedly thinking to themselves how great a name it was as well as wondering what was for dinner. Little did they know that their life was about to change forever. You see, at the other end of the internet, a villain lurked behind the keys. Said nameless and terrifying villain held an unstoppable grudge against @TiredOtter for that one time they stole their pencil in the third grade. In their hands they held a gene-altering inter-web ray, and in their heart they held nothing but rage. The second @TiredOtter hit the enter key, they found themselves transformed into, you guessed it, a tired otter. Somehow they knew they'd take advantage of the situation, though. Join @TiredOtter on their quest for victory and righteousness on the next season of 'The Otter Chronicles!' Coming soon to OtterTV.


@"Honey and Spearmint" was a very kind person… Or so they all thought. Turns out that they (I got your pronoun right for once! Woo!) had actually committed the worst crime known to humankind; No, not murder, but pouring the milk first, then adding cereal. It may have been during their small, childish years, but it was still an unnoticed crime until then. We all figured that after the internet police came that would be the end of it, until we discovered their secret: They were total badasses.

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pouring the milk first, then adding cereal.

Is that not a normal thing to do? It makes sure the tops of the cereal are crispy.//


It then turns out that they were still committing the crimes and according to all known laws of the Internet, they were terrible people. But no one wanted to fight them for it because as mentioned before, they were badasses.


Ella NutElla The Ultimately Superior was an incredible person, super talented, smart, and the humblest person she knew. Her amazing ability to be super incredibly awesome dominated that of all evil, and mint was never added to brownies again. Her heroic acts saved the taste buds of millions, from smol children to tall peoples, as fettuccine alfredo flooded everyone's dinner plates. World peace was achieved at last, and Ella NutElla The Ultimately Superior got away with telling an entire story about herself instead of just a backstory. The end.


The infamous President Ella Nutella started off like all regular underdog stories; living life day to day with no friends and an overbearing family. Eventually, as soon as she was able to leave the isolated countryside, she shipped herself into the city, quickly growing and building a name for herself through her art and businesswoman skills. As her art company grew, so did Ella's influence, until she finally gathered enough power and control to run for the Presidential office. She won, of course, beating out her competitor in a landslide vote.
A regular underdog story.
No… this is not where the story ends. This is the story about the infamous Ella Nutella, after all.
Once Ella Nutella was officially sworn into office, the fate of the country began to turn to dystopia. All mint products were banned and outlawed, forcing mint lovers to smuggle the goods in. The punishment for being caught with mint anything was just as if someone was caught smoking and selling weed. Riots and rebellions rose up, protests occurred, pushing to have mint legal again. A rebel group called the Mint Enforcers are waging war from the underground. The economy has steeply declined as farmers scramble to find another subsidiary product to grow and sell that isn't as taxing on the minerals in the earth.
Will President Ella Nutella continue this reign of mint oppression? Or will the Mint Enforcers start a coup de tau to overthrow the supreme government?

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This is the story…. of someone who is completely hopeless.
Their name? Few know it.
But she strikes fear and respect into all who see her face. It was an aura about her… bringing joy and light to others, to the point it made them tremble to the Deity Of Hope.
But for something to be given, something must be taken.
The more joy they spread, the deeper and deeper their eyes turned… seeing more, seeing less, the red blurring all. When times got tough, when joy started fading, still they continued to give, even though it hurt them.
When the Deity ran out of joy to give, all hope was lost.
But they wouldn't give up.
They were hopeless, but countless others… were not.
For this is the story of someone who is hopeless.
Red The Hopeless.

(I have no idea what this is)


(that is absolutely such a sad and wonderful origin story Connie.
I LOVE IT. i may just use it as a reference for a new charcter, if that's alright
the only problem would be my pronouns but it's fine. (I prefer he/him or they/them))

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(OH i'm sorry! also yes you may use it, its a weird shitpost anyway…)



No one really knows how long (she?) has been around. Connie. Centuries? Millenia? As long as the Earth itself? Who knows. All anyone knows is that when she arrives, The End will come. Wherever she goes, chaos and destruction follow. Some say they've seen her on the darkened horizon, blood dripping from her fangs as she silently walks in her ever-searching quest to bring about the apocalypse to all humanity. This is the legend–the legacy, of:
Connie, the Apocalyptic Vampire.


(I mess up pronouns too, we all have at times)

(Indeed. Mistakes can be made quite easily with pronouns. Just so long as you learn from mistakes, then everything is chill.)

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Red, a name feared throughout the land… Well, it was, the murderer had taken a break to get their fucking life together. They are now known as Lee, a famous crime novelist who has a bunch of friends and other shit… Until they saw a woman trying to assault a man, then, Red snapped into place and made quick kill of the woman.

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No one really knows how long (she?) has been around. Connie. Centuries? Millenia? As long as the Earth itself? Who knows. All anyone knows is that when she arrives, The End will come. Wherever she goes, chaos and destruction follow. Some say they've seen her on the darkened horizon, blood dripping from her fangs as she silently walks in her ever-searching quest to bring about the apocalypse to all humanity. This is the legend–the legacy, of:
Connie, the Apocalyptic Vampire.

(WoAH Thank dis is the good kush!"

@Knight-Shives group

The day they realized they liked sans was a eventful day. It all started with a cup of coffee. Connie sat in a coffee shop on their computer when they started feeling unwell and blacked out. Suddenly everything seemed weird and different. Connie walked forward then looked behind herself and saw him. Sans the Skeleton. It wasn't the Ironic I just met you love, it was the You look cool I love you type love. Will she get out of the underground?