forum Operation Oreo - @PotatoestoForks // Closed
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 1 follower

Deleted user

This ain't no rp. This is where we discuss our malicious plans and where we can communicate on notebook for anything.


Lol and this is private right? Otherwise, stalkers could see what we send as a joke and I don't want to go to jail yet.

Deleted user

I would make it PM but I can't get you….try making a PM with me. See how that goes.

Deleted user

It’s because you don’t have a user.

You have to make a user with @ at the beginning.

Deleted user

how's about
we just say
I liked the previous one better.
And fair warning Emi, some of what we talk about is going to sound very evil and it'll be mostly centered about irl happenings (we go to the same school) so you might not understand it all. but yeah.

Deleted user

did you see what happened at PC?

also if you think I won’t understand i won’t make you add me.

Deleted user

well you guys are going to PM so i’m not gonna intrude on your conversation.


But midnight and I are friends, and go to the same school, so you might not understand us about 90% of the time… if you're ok with that then you can be here.

Deleted user

im getting to it, midnight

i think i’ll chill here, sure, but idk if you guys’ll be here.