forum One for all for I shall proudly write a freestyle rap and prophecy for you!
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 1 follower

Deleted user

I think I'm pretty good at writing freestyle raps and prophecies, so give me your characters and plots and I will either do a freestyle rap or Prophecy or both for you!


Itz a really long story
But I'll do my best
So it's kind of got a Narnia vibe to it
But the evil queen has fire powers instead of ice powers
There are two sisters
Brianna(15) and Avery(12)
Their dad basically shoves them into the forest in their backyard bc they were bored and he said have fun
And they found out that the forest was kind of a pocket dimension place with all sorts of magical creatures and stuff
Gnomes and dragons and unicorns and fairies……….you get my point
There they meet an old gnome who knew their dad and his brother. His name is Alistair and he's over 600 yrs old
And the other main characters are as follows:
A half-dragon girl named Amythest(15)
A fairy named Faye(14)
A son of the evil queen named Asher(16) He's good btw, he's like the polar opposite of his mom.
And an elf boy named Christopher(14)
They have to rescue an old wizard named Abledore(Avery ADORES calling him Dumbledore as a joke)
From this book called The Keeper from a place simply called The Library
Original I know
Where the queen trapped him.
Is that enough info?
Or do you need more?