forum Okay, so I see a lot of people talk about MBTI typing, but...
Started by @Becfromthedead group

people_alt 2 followers

@Becfromthedead group

I was in psychology class, and my professor went on a little rant about how it's not a very reliable way to assess someone's personality (which I sort of already knew, but it's fun to type yourself and if you're a writer, use it to talk about your characters). Apparently there's another personality assessment thing out there that's considered a lot more reliable, partially because it's on a scale as opposed to assigning rigid types. It's called the Five Factor Model or "the big five." I remember skimming over something about it a while back, but it's so much more in depth than MBTI testing and stuff is. So idk, I kind of wanted to talk about it, maybe spread it to anyone who either wants to assess themselves or use it to help with character personalities. I'd be glad to explain more if anyone is interested.

Deleted user

Pleaaaaaaase explain more. I was never one for MBTI and I wanted to know another route of personality quiz/test I could take!

@Becfromthedead group

Sooo… the Big Five basically assesses 5 factors of one's personality: Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness. These are all assessed on a scale, measured in percentages. Within each category, there are multiple other factors. For example, Neuroticism is broken down into Anxiety, Anger, Depression, Self-consciousness, Immoderation, and Vulnerablity. Your further broken down scores are factored into your overall percentage.
I can use my results to explain stuff, maybe, if that would clarify a little?


I know the premise of this thing You're talking about… And I never TRULY identified with the MBTI reading… Personality is far to complex to hsvr 16 msin types of personalities.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, that's about where I am. I definitely like this interpretation a lot more, though, at least for explaining real people as opposed to characters. With characters, streamlining information into typing works, but when you're a person trying to understand your own personality, it's just like… there aren't 16 types of people in this world.


It has more than just personality… Here's my boi Jedrek!

Name: Jedrek Brennon
Race: Caucasian-American
Ethnicities: Unclear
Nationality: American
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 25
Species: Monster, simply put.
Occupation: Varies.
Background: Just moved into town one day. Not much else…

Personality: He is troubled, mysterious, altruistic and brooding. Often a swirling, violent torrent of emotion and motivation, the antithesis of society.
Socially: Ambivert
Outlook: Observant
Temperament: Defiant
Motivations: To be left alone by others, to live a good life.
Emotions: Rage, sorrow, terror, glee.

IQ: 115
GPA: 2.3
Intelligences: Logical-Mathematical, Visual-Spatial, Kinesthetic, Natural, Intuitive.

Identifying markings: 3-inch scar across his nose, bleached-blonde hair, gunshot scar on throat.
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 152

Skills: Good at science and history, good brawler, marvellous instincts, very handy.
Equipment: A pair of brass knuckles, a pack of cigarettes, a tie.
Powers: Superhuman strength, stamina, agility, speed, durability, and healing-factor, can generate or reabsorb additional monstrous limbs, wings, fins, tails, even air-sacs and gills, can roar-yell loudly and powerfully enough to stagger a group of men.
Disadvantages: Has to get at least 10 hours of sleep and consume 4,000 calories a dsy just to use his abilities, has to have heat-lamps and humidifiers all up in his crib.

-can punch through brick walls.
-can jump over most houses.
-survived three shots to the head, an explosion, and being hit by a car, with only a broken arm and a hurt head the next day.

Here you go!