forum Okay I need to say a thing
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Deleted user


Trigger Warnings: This is my opinion, my heavily biased and feministic opinion.

I'm a fifteen-year-old girl (well, technically this come 24th).

You know, that's pretty great. You're probably thinking, "Hey, Emi's so cool and sophisticated, how'd she get that way?" (Or you're not thinking that at all lol)

Well you know how I got that way? Huh?


The most intense human feeling of which I was raised off of. Fear.

Not because my parents did anything wrong.

They did but we're going to ignore that for now

You know what… I don't care about how much info I give to others about myself. Hell, if I trust you, I'll send a picture of myself to you.

Yet, one of the things I haven't voided out is my base fear. Everyone has one, even if they aren't aware of it.


Harrasment, especially sexual harrasment.


It's all I've seen! It's the crime I think is the worst, and it happens the most to women (here I am tipping my hat to men who have been raped before, yes, I know they exist, I pray for them).

You can't just… toy with a woman's privacy like that! I hate seeing how people take it to effect, too.

"Oh, what she was wearing? She deserved it!"

oh my god

"She should've just hit him in the balls or something!" - My father actually said this.

Not every situation can call for that.

"She was drunk/alone? Well, what else was she expecting?"

"She should've just relaxed and taken it! It's not so-"


excuse me?

People have said this before, btw.




Yes. I'm a fifteen-year-old girl who is petrified of rape. Everytime I look at a guy, I think about how possible it is he might rape someone. That someone could be me! I don't look at him as an object, I look at him as a threat, yet many guys look at women like sexual objects.

A surprise?

Perhaps it is.

Not to me, when I found out.

I've always thought this way. I flinch from strange men sometimes because I'm afraid they'll make a move towards me.

You know, I have a reason for this, too. Yeah. Your Emi. Has a reason to be afraid of men.


When I was 9 or 10, there was a pair of people in my neighborhood. One was a girl, the other was a boy. We'll call the boy… Kevin. The girl was very nice, yet I never told her what her brother did.

This is super long I'm sorry. Thanks for sticking around

So, just across the street to my house, there's a little lawn with a huge tree. There's a little path that's kind of hidden with the branches (It's a weeping willow) and walled in by a gate. Me and a few friends of mine (I think three others including Kevin and I) played there all the time and played 'Kingdom'.

I was the queen and Kevin was the king. So…

Kevin used to take me back to the little path and he'd give me 'kissing lessons' which I don't remember if I gave consent to or not; I just remember the kissing and being mortified afterward. I didn't like him at all, I just did it to be the queen, you know? Kid innocence and all. And this went on for like, two weeks, I think, until he asked me to take off my skirt. Which I still have. It's a lacy brown skirt that's about mid-thigh length. I can't wear it anymore since my waist size is much larger now. But I didn't take off my skirt. I registered that it was wrong and I fled back to my house. I never told anyone this story except for my bestie @AoT-is-hell-but-Berty-is-my-angel (who I suggested this site to, we've been friends for years. We met the school year at the end of the summer).

So yeah.

I think I have a reason to be afriad.

@HighPockets group

Oh my God Emi. You poor, precious smol!! I agree with what you said, both the opinion-y part and the fear part. I myself don't have a reason to be afraid like you do, but as a teen girl, and not straight on top of that, I'm terrified of random men. And I'm asexual (sex-repulsed) so that adds a whole other layer to it. Sexual assault is right up their with failure/rejection as my biggest fear.

Deleted user

i am rather precious yes.

Also I'm glad I'm not the only one, considering it literally happens everywhere. I think there should be like, a lot more assemblies on the matter, instead of girls drifting over it.

Deleted user

Wait, is being afraid of people coming near you not a normal thing?

Deleted user

No, I don't think so. Cuz other girls in my grade sidle right up to strange guys.

Deleted user

because every time someone even comes close to me i freak out, ven my parents.

Deleted user

I also dislike most strangers in general, and I hate people even bumping into me.


Deleted user

Holy fucking shit emi this was amazing THANK YOU SO MUCH

You're v welcome.

Deleted user

I litterley get nerve attacks everytime someone touches me

Deleted user

I agree actually. I’m a 17 year old guy and I HATE IT when women are disrespected in any way.

Deleted user

Goodness, let’s step it up men. They want a prince not an asshole.

Deleted user

I agree actually. I’m a 17 year old guy and I HATE IT when women are disrespected in any way.

I actually physically applauded that

Deleted user

That ruins people. Everything you do should be 100% consensual both ways.

Deleted user

Agreed, i have been told that im to young to hear about sexual harassment (Im in my early/middle teens) and no one ever brings it up, no one actualy adresses it and it bothers me emensely

Deleted user

It needs to be addressed. And it’s not feminism because I don’t consider myself a feminist and I’m not even a girl, doing that to someone violates them and their rights as a person.

Deleted user

My entire middle school career we had Safe Harbor come in and talk yo is about it from 5th grade and up.

Deleted user

My entire middle school career we had Safe Harbor come in and talk yo is about it from 5th grade and up.

okay wha t

Deleted user

My entire middle school career we had Safe Harbor come in and talk yo is about it from 5th grade and up.

okay wha t

Yeah sexual harassment, teen relationships, how to stay safe or say no… they still do it even though I’m in high school.

Deleted user

My entire middle school career we had Safe Harbor come in and talk yo is about it from 5th grade and up.

okay wha t

Yeah sexual harassment, teen relationships, how to stay safe or say no… they still do it even though I’m in high school.

Wow. I'm in Health rn and I heard they did a sex unit. That's probably why I'm so shocked because the only time we've went over stuff like that was in 8th grade (last year), and we barely touched on it.