forum Okay Can I Just Say a Thing?
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Deleted user

Alright rant time

So it’s HoCo this Saturday for my school, right? I didn’t get asked (well I did, but anyway) but my mom and I were talking about what one would wear.

I was planning on wearing a dress shirt, tie and dress pants, which, for a HS Freshie girl, looks hella good on me if I do say so myself.

Then my mom interjects with saying I can’t wear that? I have to wear a dress, so there she is not accepting the fact that I hate feminine clothing. I’m androgynous, or I generally act like both genders. But I absolutely hate dresses and skirts, love ties amd dress shirts. Hence.

But I don’t understand? I get it for Prom but I’m. A. Freshie. I’m not even going to HoCo for that reason!

But my mom proceeds to bring up that ‘in her age they wore dresses to prom and HoCo’. Against my well thought-out reasoning and arguments? Uuum…

But in this Gen… no?

She’s not always this way, I don’t understand… it’s usually my dad who is so overthetop no shit from you type of guy.

I need help! I also wanted to get this off of my chest…


sorry about that ):
What I'd probably do in this situation is keep pestering my parents until they give up and let me wear what I want, but I don't know what your parents are like so idk if that would work
Maybe you could bring it up as a debate? Why shouldn't you be allowed to wear it? Would she rather you went in something you weren't comfortable in? etc
or maybe strike a bargain
eg. "I'll do __ if you let me wear this to HoCo"

Deleted user

That doesn’t work with them. They’re as stubborn as a pair of mule and I hate it.

Thanks though.

Deleted user

^-^ Thanks but HoCo is going to be over soon and I won’t have to worry about it until next year.

@Becfromthedead group

Idk if this sounds appealing at all, and this is just for future reference, but maybe there’s a middle ground? Like a dress shirt, tie, and a skirt? Although I still think it would be awesome if you could just wear what you wanted in the first place.

Deleted user

But that’s overall ugly. If someone can wear that and rock it, cool. I can’t rock stuff like that. Just dresspants, tie and dress shirt.

@Becfromthedead group

I gotcha. It can work, it’s just hard. And honestly that stuff os so underrated! Like idk, something about wearing something that’s not a dress/skirt to formal events is empowering, even as someone who likes dresses. Also why can’t we just wear what we want??? It’s so frustrating because my best friend went through the same thing with her mom before prom, and I just see this kind of thing all the time. WHY DO CLOTHES HAVE A GENDER?! They’re literally just strips of cloth????