forum sadly being a bit slow (understandable)
Started by @norbinary

people_alt 6 followers


i totally get that it is slow - being such a seemingly newly started project (and such a good and useful one at that) - and it getting a sudden spike in users (nice) might render the servers full with all the traffic they're getting, so that they can't keep up.
and that's fine, it's just hard to progress and write when getting several application error messages (500 being a usual one). and with things being so slow to load, and ideas wanting to be written out.

again: i have total understanding and patience for this, just wanted to get the word out and start a discussion about it; so that the dev will see and stuff like that.
also, i would try to @ you andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), but when i did last time the site froze hehe.
anyway i am loving and appreciating the work you have done up to this point on notebook! it is so useful for me, and inspires a lot.

i have a lot of other ideas of smaller and bigger improvements that might be interesting, and i didn't see a thread to suggest those things or talk about issues, bugs and the like? maybe that would be a good thing to start?
anyway, thanks again. and thanks for reading up this point, anyone who did.

stay creative, friends!
- cheers, nir

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

@norbinary Hey again! :)

Thank you for the understanding.'s about a year old (since our public launch, but I've used it privately for my writing for many years now) and more than 99% of our growth has occurred in the past month. As you can understand, obviously there's a lot of growth-related tasks right now keeping everything running!

We're hitting another large growth spurt right now, but the servers seem to be holding fine right now – they were getting hammered pretty hard around the time you made this post. I went ahead and upgraded them to ridiculous levels (hardware I honestly thought I'd never have a use to pay for in my life!), so they should be pretty darn stable moving forward.

I'm also looking into bringing an infrastructure expert onboard to take a look at everything and optimize/improve where they can. I'll have more info on that in the future, as soon as I find someone. I imagine that'll help significantly.

Happy to discuss any ideas anyone has, though! As a friendly reminder, this is an open source project, which means anyone can contribute to functionality.

It'll only get better from here! Thank you for being patient while we get there. :)

P.S. I have no idea why the page sometimes freezes when tagging people, but it's on my to-do list also, heh.