forum Prom
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 13 followers

Deleted user

I’d ask as a friend just because I have a girlfriend lol.

Deleted user

(okay so sorry but I was busy. Little something called patience exists.
Also this isn't a group chat thing. It's like a private chat thing between two people. You can act like it's the actual prom or just talk all night long.
And yes, it is on Notebook, not real life)


I mean this sounds fun but there are so many reasons and things stopping me from doing this lol. From my school work to tons of stress in my life to the fact that Jensen's dad is being a dick as usual and took their phone away for no reason and all that fun stuff.

Deleted user

this sounds amazing
I just tried to ask @Potatoes-and-Forks to prom and she's really confused lol