Started by Deleted user

people_alt 11 followers

Deleted user

A chat for people who always feel judged and want to talk to someone but can't on here because people will still judge them. I shall not judge nor shall anyone else because I feel idk judged on here. It seems really silly, but yep.

Deleted user

I feel like I'm a really bad roleplayer and that my characters are always Mary Sues or Gary Stus. Am I right and should I work on making better characters or am I overreacting?


But if you think they are Mary Sues or Gary Stews I can't say weather or not it's true or not but perhaps consider the following tips?
-Take your time filling out the form, It can seem stressful and like you need to get the character in as quick as possible but as long as you've already gotten permission it doesn't really matter how long it takes
-Have some flaws that go against your characters other personality traits, such as being a generally sassy and snarky person but thats all a bit of an act and they actually have a very soft side, stuff like that
-Ummm maybe have some uncommon hobbies and fashion sense like maybe they are totally obsessed with blue and pink and everything they own is blue and pink or they dress really sweet but they secretly really love goth fashion or like off combos like they love knitting and freestyle parkour, I guess with that what I'm trying to say is you don't have to stick with a theme like if their a sweet adorable person, not every aspect has to be sweet and adorable you know?

Honestly I have no idea if any of these even apply as didn't know your characters, they may not even be Mary/Gary Sues but I hope this is a bit helpful :D


I'm really socially awkward and kind of have a mini heart attack everytime I hit post and I always either just post it without looking through it and it sucks or look through what I'm typing a thousand times and by the time I post others have moved on

Deleted user

stands on table I feel like people don't appreciate how I RP cause they don't and say it to my face

@Becfromthedead group

I guess we all feel like we’re being judged sometimes on here, for those who feel self-conscious about RPing, but just know that roleplaying is a form of self-improvement for writers, and it doesn’t matter if you’re “bad” at it. Personally, I’ve stopped caring what a bunch of strangers on the internet think about my writing, and you guys should too, just for your own sake. Now if you really feel self-conscious when you’re writing characters, that just means it’s time to do research, keep writing, and do your best to improve. Just remember though: unless you’re hurting people or being really rude or insensitive, it doesn’t matter.
(Also, if I’ve ever said anything discouraging to anyone here, I apologize. I try to be as kind here as I would be to someone’s face, but of course I’m sure I’ve made mistakes too.)

Deleted user

I just feel like my characters are mary sues/Gary sues because I mean I have been confronted before and I feel like that people don't exactly like me on here. I mean I get very self-conscious, but I can see a pattern between responses and I think I am over reacting. So there is this user for examples, so like she would compliment on everyone's character right? Well not mine. Everytime. An also the responses like one person. YES MY DUDE, COME JOIN! and Sure.

Deleted user

Yeah people should treat each other the same. All I say is 'sure' and others think highly of other people.
(I don't think your characters are Mary/Gary sues and I like you on here)

@Becfromthedead group

Honestly we need to figure out how to, as a community, be able to recognize Mary Sues and call people out when it goes too far, but actually help other people make better characters. It’s just really rude to just deal out such a critique and not give any effort to fix the problem. It makes things harder for everyone.
@AmericasFavoriteFightingFrenchGirl_LAFFETTE! I have personally enjoyed RPing with you, and I don’t see any major problems with your characters, and it’s not like you’re doing anything bad, so I’m just going to tell you to try not to worry about it. RPing should be fun for you, and anyone who makes it otherwise is not worth your time.
@My_final_goodbye a kid of Fork Cult From what I understand, you’re a bit younger than at least a good bit of the Notebook community, and you’re actually trying your best to make characters. People need to have more respect for you and others like you, because you’re trying to have a good time RPing too, and plus the thing I said earlier about getting better at writing characters. RPing is a giant trial and error playground for my characters, and mistakes and growth should be encouraged.
@ThatBackgroundSlytherin I’m pretty sure I’ve RPed with you before, and if so, you’re doing completely fine. Although I am curious, what type of rules do people break in your RPs?
@Norepinephrinxx I think I’ve only ever been in one RP with you, but I enjoy RPing with you. I do that too though- either read through what I wrote a ton of times or just bit the bullet and post it, so you’re certainly not alone.
Anyway, sorry for my long spiel. Just know that all of you are welcome in my RPs.

@Moxie group

I'm usually just scared I'm an annoying RPer? I don't even have a reason that I think I'm annoying I just kinda do.

Deleted user

I don't really do a whole lot on this site but I think it was very nice of you to make this page.

Deleted user

I'm really scared that I'm too 'all over the place' because I join almost every page I may recognize.

I just wanna make friends!

(And Anime you're a great RPer)

Deleted user

(You've only seen me rp once tho XD but thanks)

Deleted user

I don't think I've rped with either of you but I can imagine ur both great :)