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Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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I love how when a crisis happens, people will almost automatically band together and help out those in need, thus proving that humanity isn't as inherently misanthropic as many like to think.


I love how curious and innocent young children are. I love that they want to know as many things about the world that they live in as possible, even though it's so scary for them. I love how their eyes light up when you take the time to explain something to them. I also love how weird they can be, and how creative they are, even if us older people don't really understand. I'm describing my youngest sister, but I really do like that about all children.


I like my two baby musk turtle that have really REALLY long necks and their so cute when they try to escape there pool because their wild turtles.


I love the way that people smile when the teacher says something obvious… It's just like "yoU GUYS ARE SO LOUD" and then a few people start smiling just a little bit then everyone's smiling then someone giggles then there's just this little collective giggle that goes around the room and the teacher doesn't even notice and it just took .5 seconds for everyone to spread the little bit of happiness that the teacher accidentally gave us


I love the little pouty adorable frown that comes over a little kid's face when you jokingly tell them they're not adorable… Then their little pouty lip and puppy eyes as they try to redeem their cuteness. Of course you're adorable I CANT STAND THAT ADORABLE FACE


I personally love people making faces. So wonderful.
Also, PDA doesn't bother me if it's in the right way! I want to see bffs holding hands or couples kissing eachother on the cheek!!!!

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I love it when I get free food and candy!!! The man in the white van was very nice!!


mmm taco soup I am glad you enjoyed your taco soup but next time save some for the rest of us


I like when random strangers compliment each other! Like when the lady in line behind you says your shirt is nice, or a black girl locks eyes with another black girl and asks her for hair tips because her hair is flawless, or a guy smiles at you and tells you your shoes are rad. Just people being soft and kind to each other!

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When you wake up with (hardly) no acne! :')