forum not okay (got told i have clinical anxiety today; anyone else?) Tw: anxiety
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@CaseyJ group

Well, yes, we had a long conversation and 3 mental breakdowns later…uh..we are friends… hurts to be around him, but it hurts when I am not.

Deleted user

I'm considering bringing up my feelings to Jacob ( my best friend, and the guy I'm in love with) actually.

Deleted user

I totally get that. Hurts but you want them so bad that you want the hurt?

@Space group

I see anxiety. I join.
Hello, I've been suffering from anxiety and depression since I was 10. Mine is sorta like a rollercoaster. I can feel like a total boss one day then the next I'll have a breakdown because somebody glared at me. I used to struggle with presentations but I've since found a school where I feel comfortable and no longer completely shut down. In no way am I saying I don't still experience panic attacks, because that would be the biggest lie ever.

@Space group

Honestly just act super confident no matter what. Fake it 'til you make it. Your brain eventually falls for the false confidence and then boom, it's no longer fake.
(granted I'm having a panic attack while writing this but I excessively talk when I'm nervous so)

@CaseyJ group

So when you start to panic or whatever. Name 5 things you see, 4 things you can touch (while touching them), 3 things you hear, 2 things you smell, and 1 thing you can taste. It helps by focusing on your surroundings and lowering your heartrate.

Deleted user

Oh my gosh I'm gonna use that
I always find a grounding object too, like something i can mess with and hold