forum no one ever stays…
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 3 followers

Deleted user

Do you live in the USA? I'm just wondering what time zone you are in.

Deleted user

yes, very proud American here and I live in central standard time zone

Deleted user

people have to prove themselves before I even entertain the thought of letting someone in, so to speak…………

Deleted user

Exactly how I feel. And once you lose my trust, there ain't no way of gettin it back.

Deleted user

i’ve just been hurt too much and now my guard is up around everyone


hey you
yeah you
you are important
fuck what anybody else says or thinks
do whatever makes you happy, that's why you're here
you are not here to please other people
live life for yourself
not anybody else
and through that, you'll find people who love you and make you even happier and satisfied than you already would be
you like writing? write. you like singing? sing at the top of your fucking lugs, my dude (or lady, or pal, idk what your pronouns are)
because when you do what makes you happy, you will start to realize how loved and appreciated and vaulable you really are. you may not see it now, but you will.
focus on what makes you happy
and go from there

Deleted user

Oh, that's cool! I hope you… write good? Oof, I'm bad at being cheesy inspirational.