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Started by El Komodos Drago

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El Komodos Drago

Hi, I'm new to I currently use Miraheze but am looking at specialist worldbuilding sites including and World Anvil and am wondering what is special about and what it can offer me which other websites can't.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

First thing you may want to know, is that here on Notebook, you can choose who can see your stuff, and your privacy is guaranteed.
Whereas on World Anvil unless you buy a subscription ALL of your stuff is public, and anyone can see it. And while they are very serious about copyright, that doesn't do much to prevent someone from stealing your work.
(I will also mention that while I am currently using World Anvil for my stuff, it is not my idea, and I have a personal Bias towards Notebook.)

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Second thing is, is that if you pay to get extra pages here on notebook, you will ALWAYS be able to access and edit them, even if you go back to an unpaid account.
On world Anvil, if your stuff is marked private on a paid subscription, Yes it stays yours, but you will not be able to edit it unless you go back to a paid subscription.
(Also the stuff about World Anvil can be found on their FAQs)

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Aside from all that both sites are really really similar.
Both have ways to develop specifics like Creatures, Locations, Characters, Governments, ect.
But World Anvil does have a few extras like the ability to make a to-do list, a timeline, and a map.
I'm not entirely sure anymore which of those World Anvil features are paid or not, but I also do know that our own Notebookian God @andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), the creator of the site, is working on some of these.

@Anemone eco

Greetings, El Komodos Drago! I feel as though I have seen you before on another site, though I may be mistaken. As far as what's special about Notebook, @Wolfheart has said just about everything on my mind. But I'm here to talk if you want a friend or mentor on how to use the site.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

OH! Another thing that's different here from World Anvil, is that's it's much easier to customize the templates you are given, whereas theirs are kinda… idk really.
Also Notebook I've found is a LOT easier to use. Like, a lot. And it's a lot easier to find answers to questions if you get stuck on here, like, ask any user who's been here for a year, or more than 6 months and they'll tell you. (I've been on here for two years, (maybe two and a half?) (I had some account issues so my account won't show that.)

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Not to bothered about copyright - it's all CC-BY anyway.

Fair, but I know that's not everyone which is why I started with that. For me personally, I plan on being a published author, so having that control over my stuff is important.
If you're just looking for workflow stuff, then I find Notebook is easier and less complex than World Anvil, but World Anvil offers more features and their price for a month is lower, but is more complex and harder to get the hang of.
Also Notebook will let you keep all your stuff if you go off a paid subscription, World Anvil doesn't really do that.