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Started by CusterBison

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Hello, my name is Custer's Bison, and I had taken Earth Science classes at the University of South Dakota in Vermillion. At that time, what I had learned in those classes had inspired me to create an alternate Earth, with geographic and geological features different from Earth's but still inspired by them. The problem I have is that I know only the Cause–i.e. the changing of the geography–and not the Effect (how the changes in geography influence landscape, climate and weather). I have the whole description written down (complete with a map), but before I show you the description, if it is not too much trouble, would you be willing to help me with feedback and advice on the changes I had made? Thank you for your time.


I'd love to help (although I might not give much of it, judging by my limited knowledge of geography and such. but I'll try!) and it's nice to meet you!