forum Never fall of a horse twice in one day
Started by @Oakiin

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Even if you land on you feet the first time.

Here's the place for us horse riders to talk about our Deadly Drops and Lumpish Landings!
Ho many times have you fallen off? hat caused you to fall? Funny stories anyone? (Hospital trips, anyone??)

For me I've fallen 7 times, twice just today xD Same horse, same five minutes xD


I was at a girl's birthday party when I was 7, and there was a pony there. My mom and the girl's mom were good friends, so they wanted a picture of both of us on the horse. She was on the front, and I was behind her. Suddenly, the horse throws us off, I hit the ground, the girl lands on top of me, and the horse steps on my side before running away. Needless to say, I didn't ride a horse for 6 years following that (but it's really fun now)


When I was 8 or so, we would go out and ride horses at a friend's place. At one time, after I had grown accustomed to being on the horse when it was walking, she was like 'okay, let's try trotting.' And hence I nearly fell off a horse.


@Mindful_Bison Yeowch! That doesn't sound fun at all! Glad you were okay, and are now enjoying it though! :D

@TheLavenerOwl Haha, yeah, trotting is pretty darn bouncy, isn't it? xDD Esp. on those ponies, they're bouncy as all heck :)


I love horses and have ridden as many times as I can and once I got bucked off a miniature pony('twas my sister's fault of course) but other than that I have never fallen off.


@Natasha I fell off a shetland once. It was funny bc I sat through her bucks without a problem, but then she just took one sharp turn and just ducked out from under me xD


I have ridden for many years and fell off once. I was goofing off on horses with other friends who ride and we all started doing around the worlds (where you spin around in the saddle). I did a really fast one and impressed everyone, so someone asked me to do it again. I did the second one even faster. I was spinning so fast that I didn’t know what happened until I hit the ground. I may have only fell off once, but I’ve had my foot stepped on a lot and once by a draft horse.


Yeah I was on the Shetland for like two minutes as it bucked before I was just like, "Ya know what she's not gonna stop so I'll just fall and hope that I don't end up in manure. I didn't soooo yay! And it didn't hurt that much either


@Natasha Haha, yeeah, sometimes that's just the best option xDD Glad you were okay though! :3

@MidnightWarrior13 Owch!!!!! By a draft?? That must have been the worst >.<
lol sounds like the best way to fall off xD 5 times out of seven I've been bucked off, and while most didn't hurt, a couple really did T.T