forum Nervous Habits
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

Does anyone have certain habits that help you cope with anxiety or help you just cope?
I tare my nails, yesterday I got so nervous that I tore part of my pinky nail off.

Deleted user

Oh and to answer your question yes I do have habits when my anxiety is building. I’ll either shake uncontrollably, grab my arm, look down at the ground when I walk, or go on here.

@Shadow_Knight group

I bite my nails. This may sound like I'm insane but I like to write down all the things I'm saying to my self in a 2 or 3 line space with my eyes closed. The end result looks like a mental asylum tried to write down there feelings.

Deleted user

as weird as this may sound I rub the palm of my hand to calm myself, sometimes to the point where it hurts since I add a lot of pressure depending on how anxious I get

I do that too!

@faltering-through pets

as weird as this may sound I rub the palm of my hand to calm myself, sometimes to the point where it hurts since I add a lot of pressure depending on how anxious I get

I do that too!

finger guns eeyyy


deep breath
I shake my hands or rub them together, tap my fingers or toes, clear my throat, clench and unclench my jaw, run my fingers through/pull on my hair, and/or start breathing really weirdly, like I have to completely fill up my lungs with every breath.


I just try super hard to remember to breath. But unconsciously, I fidget a l o t. like my hands and feet will start shaking and fidgeting and i'll just be trying to calm

Deleted user

I shake/bounce my leg, clench my jaw, scratch at my arms, neck, and shoulders, chew on random things, pick at my nails, play with my hair

I also do this