forum Need help with my characters
Started by @childoftheuniverse

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Personally, if she were to have feelings for person #2, I would make the oblivious one say something that would make the girl totally trip up in her head and suddenly realize that she's liked person #2 all along.
Humorous example:
Hannah's jaw dropped as she recognized the boy standing in line in front of her. It was Josh! Questions immediately filled her head, such as why he was there in the ice cream shop with her, why the brown haired boy was standing right in front of her. She awkwardly tapped his shoulder, and watched as he turned around.
"Hannah! Good to see you!" he said, smiling.
"Yeah, good to see you too! So… do you know what flavor of ice cream you're getting?" I asked, trying to break the silence.
"Uh, yeah. Chocolate." HOLY CRAP I'M IN LOVE WITH JOSH-

That sort of thing. If it's the other way around, I would have her be slightly relieved at her mistake and continue on as if nothing had happened.