forum Need Help With Deciding Whether or Not to Forgive Someone.
Started by @Timraijuiwifc

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So I'm having a total middle school prob right now
This gurl
She followed me and my two best friends around since the beginning of the school year
We were all kindof cold to her at first because it was annoying but now we're friends
today in class i get called to the guidance counselors office
my two besties and the girl r in there
and the girl fucking told the guidance counselor that i hated her and wanted to know why
well she and my two bffs were talking about me for a while i guess
because they had been planning it
and i starting crying a bit cuz i was offended that they all went behind my back and ganged up on me about something that isnt true and ive already been stressed so

i dont wanna talk to this chick ever again and i dont have to so
but my problem is i wanna talk to my bffs, specifically my one bff
like both of them are close but one is my BFF bff and the other is just my close friend, you dig
i could live with not talking to either for a few days
buy eventually i wanna talk to my bff
and we have plans this weekend
and she just texted me






first off, im so sorry that you had to/ have to deal with that.
im confused, did your friends tell the girl that's not really your friend that you hate her, or was it just that your friends took her side? Im not sure it matters either way, they dont sound like great friends to me.
are you trying to forgivr your friends or the girl who claims you hate her?
sorry I want to help, im just a bit confused.


That's horrible! I can't believe they would do something like that.
I would suggest talking to your bff about why they did that. Maybe talking will help you decide whether or not to forgive them.
But I would also keep in mind this:
"Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not just seven times, but seventy-seven times!" (Matthew 18:21-22)


That absolutely sucks! But maybe if you talk to them. There could be a reason. You only have to forgive them if you want to, ya know. Since you have plans for the weekend, you could talk to them over the weekend, demand an explanation of some sort.