forum Need a beta reader/co-editor!!
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

So I've been working on this superhero story, but right now, I'm in a bad mood and it just all feels like shit, and I keep restarting my first chapter and failing. Can someone be my editor or beta reader for the rest of the book? In return, I'll help you with yours as well!


I'm probably not the best, and I don't have anything for you to read in return, but I might be able to help? I'm definitely not an expert but I can notice spelling errors and a few other things.

@Moxie group

I kinda really wanna help with this because I love all of your writing so much but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to help as much as you need. But I would totally be willing to be a second reader/editor if you need one. I've been massively procrastinating on all my writing so you wouldn't need to do anything for me in return. I'm just afraid to commit to helping you if I don't know for sure that I would be able to put my full effort into it (I have a lot of tests coming up). So yeah, let me know if you would like an extra pair of eyes because I would be super happy and willing to be them for you!

Deleted user

because I love all of your writing so much

but right now it's kind of shit because i feel like i've hit a rock in my writing lately which is why i'm not really doing rp's anymore

@Moxie group

Okay I don't think it's shit but I do have a question. Why are you introducing Jake in that scene? I feel like getting someone else to diffuse the situation like a teacher (they're in class, right?) might fix your introducing-too-many-characters-at-once situation. (Sorry if there's something very obvious about why he's in the scene that I'm missing)

Deleted user

(oh nah, it's fine! i just wanted yoon-gi's first real impression of jake to be positive since i might set them up together)

Deleted user

(but then jake betrays them all and yoon-gi is very hurt and everything just kind of goes to shit
i wasn't originally going to plan to set them up [yoon-gi and ophelia used to be endgame] but like…
boy oh boy do i love fucked-up romances)

@Moxie group

Yeah but I might find a way to introduce him later if that's possible because to me it just kinda seemed like he came out of nowhere and it's kinda confusing)

@Moxie group

(No problem! It was fun to read and I can help you more if you ever need it, especially with smaller bits as you go along, if that makes sense)