forum Name Suggestions For Antagonist Please!!!!!!
Started by @WolfieVampire1946

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I need to rename my main antagonist for my book- his name is Thanos Alborn, but I REALLY don't want him to be associated with the Thanos from the MCU, and I've decided that the name is a little TOO on the nose- the character in question thinks that the only way for him to save the planet and fix his government is to take over his government and keep humans (the people who are destroying the planet) in line through force. He ends up killing whoever gets in his way and has been the cause of death for hundreds of his people.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I think I'm going to keep his last name as it is, but the first definitely needs to go.


I thought of associations or organizations that were evil in the past, like the KKK for example, and then used each letter as the start of a name. So for the KKK, my villain would be named something like Kain Kristoff Kinderston, as his initials would spell out KKK. Just a simple and easy thing to do really, and it makes naming somewhat easier because the character's initials already hint at their "evilness" if the reader looks close enough.

@Becfromthedead group

If you really like Thanos, maybe try Thanatos? He's the Greek god of death, if you wanted something similar-sounding but with different connotation.

Deleted user

Well, what's the name of the protagonist? Maybe you could make his name the opposite of the protagonist's or somehow related. Like an antagonist named Lily and a protagonist named Kat