forum Name a Movie or TV Series but Change a Word to Bacon.
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 11 followers


Here's more ;)
The Lost Bacon
The Son of Bacon
The Bacon of Athena
The House of Bacon
The Blood of Bacon


Here's more
Magnus Chase & the Bacon of Summer
Magnus Chase & the Hammer of Bacon
Magnus Chase & the Bacon of the Dead

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

All Dogs Go to Bacon
All Dogs Go to Bacon 2
(All Dogs Go to Heaven, All Dogs Go to Heaven 2)

Bacon & Dogs
Bacon & Dogs 2: The Revenge of Bacon Galore
(Cats & Dogs, Cats & Dogs 2: The Revenge of Kitty Galore)

Beauty and the Bacon
Bacon and the Beast
(Beauty and the Beast)


Pretty Bacon (Pretty Woman)
Dirty Bacon (Dirty Dancing)
Ferris Bueller's Bacon Off (Ferris Bueller's Day Off)
Bacon Pan (Peter Pan)
Bacon (Big)
13 Going on Bacon (13 Going on 30)
Despicable Bacon (Despicable Me)
Hot Bacon (Hot Rod)
Miss Bacon (Miss Congeniality)


Bacon Squad (Suicide Squad)
Bacon Ragnarok (Thor Ragnarok)
Wings of Fire: The Bacon Prophecy
Wings of Fire: The Bacon Heir
Wings of Fire: The Bacon Kingdom
Wings of Fire: The Dark Bacon
Wings of Fire: The Brightest Bacon
(lol I'm not gonna do the whole Wings of Fire series)